Writing Exercise
Rewrite the following paragraph using the second person ”you” form when possible. Rewrite using active sentences and present tense.
The Hanau shell will be programmable. This means that external applications, such as Visual Basic, can run scripts that execute the functions belonging to the shell. For example, a VB script could be written that (1) Activates the Hanau shell (2) Logs the user into the Hanau shell (3) Accesses the host component (4) Displays the host window and (5) Sends a transaction to the host that logs the user in (i.e., steps in bold faced type are shell functions). The Hanau shell can be programmed from applications that run within the shell, such as a HanauBit application. The HanauBit application can be written that instructs the shell to display one of the toolbars that belongs to the shell. Being able to program the actions of the shell is a Hanau requirement to provide a way for users to customize their system.