Karin Gallagher

Technical writing, editing, and features

Writing Technical Documentation in English

This course is designed for German programmers who need to write programming and end-user documentation in English. It teaches you to improve your technical writing skills in English as well as helping you to choose which documentation your users need.

The course helps you with typical German problems in writing English and includes technical vocabulary.

The course is eight weeks, three hours per week, and is taught in English. Each class has several in-class writing exercises, which the instructor corrects for grammar and content.

Part 1: Improving your writing skills

Part 1 covers the most common problems and solutions for writing technical documentation, such as wordiness and lack of clarity.

Lesson 1: Writing clear sentences
Lesson 2: Cutting wordiness
Lesson 3: Writing strong paragraphs
Lesson 4: Grammar, usage, and punctuation

Part 2: Planning and organizing your documentation

Part 2 teaches you the basics of writing documentation, including analyzing your audience and planning what documentation to write. You also get practice in organizing and writing a user's guide and a reference guide.

Lesson 5: Planning your documentation
Lesson 6: Organizing a user's guide
Lesson 7: User's guide: Writing procedures
Lesson 8: Writing a reference guide

Writing resources

Click here for more information about technical writing.

Copyright (c) 2005, Karin Gallagher